
F350 计数机 "S VISION", 带有OCS计数的新型摩擦给料机。


F350 计数机 "S VISION", 带有OCS计数的新型摩擦给料机。

F350 计数机 "S VISION"是之前的F320机型基于OCS技术的升级版。
Improved both ergonomically and functionally, it has an input size of more than 30mm compared to the previous version and is more compact (narrower than 10mm and much shorter than 300mm).
The rotatable display offers greater data visibility and better accessibility to the buttons. It is also more flexible, allowing the housing of a greater number of sensors, with external connections for both activation and error reporting (see technical data).
F350 COUNTER S is perfect for integration with optical sensors, cameras, scanners and sensors to scan every counted product for application in:
F350 COUNTER S 设备可以与光学传感器、相机、扫描仪、扫描传感器等完美集成用于扫描每一种被计数的应用于:
-        quality control 质量控制
-        security counting 防伪印刷
-        product tracking 产品跟踪
-        mailing fulfilment. 邮件填充
B.MATIC has a long experience in 1D and 2Ds laser scanning applications: in cooperation with a leading Producer or optical detection systems, we can provide the right solution for your job.
For reading 1D barcodes range  high performance readers raster type can be supplied to  detect the most common families of 1D barcodes both when the lines are parallel to the product motion direction and when the barcode lines are 90°. 
For 2Ds matrix codes a full range of products sensors is available to accommodate to the required speed, reading field and distance from the product.
Since F350 COUNTER S is controlled by a PLC, it is possible to adapt the machine programming code to your job logic.
 因F350 COUNTER S设备由PLC控制,可以根据您的作业逻辑调整设备编程代码。
ATTENTION: images, movies and literature, refer to earlier version "F320" and are being presently updated. For the characteristics of "O.C.S." technology, please go to the page on "F350 COUNTER S".
注:图片、视频和相关文档请参考早期版本"F320",目前正在更新。有关于OCS技术的特点,详情参看 "F350 COUNTER S"页面。

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